Notice of Ordinance Amendments: Notice of Town of Peshtigo Code of Ordinance Amendments Pursuant to Wis. Stat.§ 60.80 notice is hereby given that the Town of Peshtigo board has approved the following amendments: 2-399 and 2-837 – delete Zoning administrator section and associated ordinance information as town does not employ a zoning administrator 2-427 – address public notice without differentiating between regular and special meetings; eliminate verbiage by referencing pertinent state statute; include board/commission/committee chairperson as individual to provide meeting notice 2-428 – include commission membership for residency requirement; remove additional verbiage regarding attendance standard 2-455 – remove inaccurate appointment requirements; add required oath; remove per diem allowance for board members 2-495 and 2-497 – update training and meeting information with reference to pertinent state statutes 2-545(a) through (d) – remove alternate designation; remove hiring of secretary; correct oath requirement; modify terms for established commission 2-549, 2-701, 2-960 and 2-961 -remove listings by referencing pertinent state statutes 2-612 – change verbiage of “book” to “records”, maintenance in conjunction with town clerk in line with Sec. 2-202(3) 2-614 – add vice chairperson 2-616 – change “chairperson pro tern” to “vice chairperson”; remove “in chairperson’s absence” 2-617 – remove sentence referencing Wis. Stats.§ 66.0605 as that is inaccurate and a more accurate statute was not found 2-622 – delete Delinquent personal property taxes section as it is no longer applicable 2-648 – remove subsection “c” as it is not current practice and adjust remaining letters; remove 1ist in new subsections “c” and “d” by referencing pertinent state statutes 2-735 – change wording as recommended by legal review; policies and rules have been established 2-736 through 2-739, 2-741 through 2-748 – delete Signed and dated receipt, definition of purchase required; General office and maintenance items/supplies; Budgeted items up to $5000.00; Items requiring town board approval; Certain registration fees reimbursed; Pre­ authorized expenses; Reasonable and necessary travel expenses; Expenses incurred out of town; membership dues; Claims for reimbursement; Purchases o/$10.00 or less sections as these are incorporated in policies; delete Business related long distance telephone calls reimbursed as it is no longer applicable 2-740- add vice chairperson or other designee in the chairperson’s absence 2-801 through 2-811, 2-813 – incorporate information from Sec. 2-802 through 2-811 and 2-813 Resolution and report required; Costs that may be paid by special assessment; Exemptions, deductions; Notice of proposed or approved project; Board actions after hearing; Combined assessments; Board’s power to amend, cancel or corifirm special assessment; Where cost of improvement is less than assessment; Appealed assessments payable when due; Special assessment a lien on property; Reassessment of assessments or charges, waiver of notice and hearing by owner, time period for town to levy into Sec. 2-801 as subsections “c” and “d” thereby deleting Sec. 2-802 through 2-811 and 2-813 2-812 – remove subsections by referencing pertinent state statute 2-838 through 2-840 – remove subsections of 2-838 by referencing pertinent state statutes; incorporate information from Sec. 2-839 and 2-840 Access procedures and Limitations on right to access into Sec. 2-838 thereby deleting Sec. 2-839 and 2-840 2-841 – remove subsections by referencing Wisconsin Municipal Records Schedule and pertinent state statute 2-842 – remove Specific records retention provisions section with intention of creating record retention policy reflecting pertinent records 2-843 – remove Confidentiality of assessor information section as related Sec. 2-500 was more recently adopted 6/20/2023 2-867 and 2-871 – add additional pertinent state statutes for reference including that which is pertinent to Sec. 2-871 thereby deleting that section 2-869 – remove verbiage not in practice 2-959 and 2-962 through 2-970 – incorporate information from Sec. 2-962 through 2-970 Persons aggrieved; Reducing determination to writing; Request for review of determination; Review of determination; Administrative appeal; Hearing on administrative appeal; Final determination; Judicial review; Legislative review into Sec. 2-959 Review of administrative determinations thereby deleting Sec. 2-962 through 2-970

NEW Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)

The Town of Peshtigo fire department is in year two of a multi-year project to replace and upgrade older air packs, most of which are 20-25 years old and no longer in compliance with NFPA standards. Additionally, all existing carbon-fiber air cylinders will either reach their 15-year end-of-life within the next several years or have already expired, meaning they will also need to be replaced. Our overall inventory of SCBA will also be reduced as part of this initiative.
Six new Scott X3-Pro air packs were purchased late last year using budgeted capital funds. Two additional air packs were purchased this year giving the fire department eight new packs. The new SCBA are designed with enhanced safety features, are certified to meet current NFPA standards and have been upgraded to include higher air pressure and longer duration air supply. Eight older air packs that are currently twelve years old are expected to be replaced within the next five years. Five remaining older air packs will be taken out of service, reducing the total inventory to sixteen air packs.